Welcome to our newly updated site – a work in progress. We are the Oregon branch of the Pomazal clan; descended from Anton Pomazal. We’ve had this domain name since 2000, and used to update it regularly – using the old-fashioned HTML programming. Now with the ease of so many blog software programs, we are giving the site a much-needed overhaul.
Bruce came to Oregon with his family in the late 70’s. While his siblings have moved to other parts of the county, we and our combined thirteen children, step-children, children-in-law & grandchildren are all still in Oregon.
Bruce’s father John Pomazal Jr lived with us for the last five years of his live, passing away on August 30, 2012.
Thank you for stopping by, and feel free to subscribe to update.
Much love,
Ann & the Pomazal Clan
Hi there- I am a lost branch of the Pomazal family tree. My Dad Richard Hornbrook (Pomazal) was the son of Barbara Ann Johnson and Harold Pomazal. Born in Chicago in 1939. My grandparents met during teacher training. They divorced when my father was an infant and my grandmother left for California and remarried. Her husband adopted my father but there were no more children. She died when I was an infant- and my father died when I was in college. My mother passed recently and I have found records of my grandparents marriage and now know grandfather’s exact name and how to spell it. This is all coinciding with my daughter doing a school assignment on family history. Harold Pomazal is also a descendent of Anton Pomazal. Can you tell me the origin of the name and when the Pomazals came to America?
Best Regards,
Kim Harris